Recognizing 100 CEOs & C-level Executives


Jeffery Scott May

Chief Information Officer

Georgia Department of Labor

Location: Atlanta, Georgia

Founded: 1911

Industry: Government

As the Chief Information Officer of the Georgia Department of Labor, Jeffery Scott May has learned to celebrate the small victories. “You have to get the little things right in order to have a chance to get the big things right,” he said.

With plenty of victories in his career, including 20 years as the president and CEO of his IT hardware, software and consulting company, May knows the importance of forging relationships with professionals in the community. His career has included three terms as a state representative for the Georgia General Assembly and ultimately his current role as Chief Information Officer of the Georgia Department of Labor.

The mission of the department is to work with public and private partners in building a workforce system that contributes to Georgia’s economic prosperity. With May leading the way, the agency creates opportunities and provides services that assist individuals to attain their work goals and increase self-sufficiency through employment, training and support services.

“It is important to always be involved in your specific professional community, but you also have to build beyond that,” said May. “The relationships you build outside of your organization are just as important as the ones you develop inside.”

With a hunger for information and a thirst for knowledge, May said he attributes success with lifelong learning. “Always feed your mind, body and soul with healthy choices and make a difference in your profession and your community,” said May.

His contributions span beyond the business and IT world. May has been recognized for an ORBIE Award and selected as a Public Sector Finalist for the 2020 Georgia CIO of the Year.

According to his staff, May demonstrates qualities of not just a Titan but a visionary. “As a public servant at heart with a private sector mindset and background, he has brought a balance of business acumen and business solutions, along with an understanding of the importance of leadership and public service to a government agency,” they said.

May also knows that showing your team appreciation is critical to success in any type of work environment. “Everyone contributes to failure, and everyone contributes in success,” said May. “If the team knows that you believe in them, they can accomplish miracles at the most critical times. That’s why we celebrate the small victories and watch the big ones happen.”

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Did you know?

May is an avid rugby fan, and after graduating from college played the next ten years for the High Country Rugby Football Club in Atlanta.


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