Recognizing 100 CEOs & C-level Executives


Dana Jacoby


Vector Medical Group, Inc.

Location: Denver, CO

Founded: 2017

Industry: Healthcare

Dana Jacoby has built two successful businesses in her career, taking a personal financial risk to follow her dream of entrepreneurship.

“Twice in my professional life, I have launched a business by investing my own money and ‘putting all of my chips on black,’” Jacoby said. “It was a tremendous financial risk because there was no option if things had not worked as planned. In addition to the monetary investment, launching a business required endless hours of travel, meetings, speaking, calls and sweat equity. I sacrificed time with friends and family, passed on other job opportunities and forewent spending money on myself. In the end, the sacrifices paid off and I realized the dream of building and selling two successful businesses.”

Today, Jacoby is CEO of Vector Medical Group, which she launched in 2017 to create strategies for physicians and medical providers to architect the future of healthcare. “From value-based care to payor contracting and private equity transactions, Vector Medical Group is on the frontlines of designing healthcare for the next generation of patients, doctors, nurses and other medical professionals,” the company said. “Specifically, Vector Medical Group has provided in-depth market research in the specialties of urology, oncology, orthopedics, dermatology and others.”

Jacoby has overseen more than $1 billion of financial transactions involving medical practices, and she has designed and taught curricula for nurse practitioners. She has been featured as the keynote speaker for hundreds of conferences, university programs and medical events.

Jacoby began her medical career with Johnson & Johnson, where she launched Levaquin, Ultracet and Ditropan XL.

From there, she was recruited to GE Medical, where she served as a consultant for hospitals using eco-cardiology services. She also led the asset optimization division at GE Healthcare, creating more efficient models for portable equipment at Johns Hopkins, the Mayo Clinic and elsewhere. From there, Jacoby joined the Allergan team, where she oversaw the launch of Botox in China and Europe. Jacoby expanded her influence beyond aesthetics and began work on the use of botulinum toxin for treating conditions such as overactive bladder. She founded DJI Consulting and visited more than 80% of all urology practices in America in person. DJI Consulting was bought by a private equity investor and rolled into the larger conglomerate, Specialty Networks Consulting.

Jacoby started Vector Medical Group to expand her work outside urology and to assist medical providers in areas such as practice valuations, payor contracting, bundled payments and market research and analysis for pharmaceutical and medical device companies. The expansion of mergers and acquisitions in healthcare has created a need for Jacoby’s services and an opportunity to expand her work into the world of finance.

Presented by:

A Boston Marathon qualifier, Dana has completed 68 marathons, including one in every state of the United States and a marathon on every continent with the exception of Antartica.


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