Recognizing 100 CEOs & C-level Executives
Randall Guenther 2023

Randall J Guenther


Hovde Properties

Location: Dane County, WI

Founded: 1933

Industry: Real Estate Development, Investment and Management

Randall J. Guenther came to Hovde Properties in 2017 with a deep resume in real estate management, development and finance, having previously held executive-level roles in several real estate and public accounting entities.

He initially joined Hovde Properties as a senior consultant, but a change in senior leadership at the company opened up an opportunity for Guenther to join Hovde full-time as the president to lead the company forward in its next stage of growth.

Hovde Properties is a privately held third-generation family-owned company focused on the development, ownership and management of commercial and residential properties throughout Wisconsin and select other markets. Since Guenther took the leadership reins, the company has seen revenue growth of 35%, assembled a strong development pipeline and is now looking to expand in Wisconsin and other target markets.

“Markets will go up and they will go down over the course of time, at times out of your control,” Guenther said. “The one constant that will bring comfort to your employees, colleagues, partners and family is to always maintain your integrity and calm despite the challenges and opportunities that must be addressed.”

In the next five years, Hovde Properties projects a trajectory of financial growth with plans to expand into different geographies and asset classes and double the size of the company. The current development plans include multiple projects from $25 million to more than $100 million.

Guenther participates in the Hovde Foundation’s mission, fighting multiple sclerosis and improving the lives of vulnerable children. The Foundation provides support to vulnerable children by building Hovde Homes to offer havens from neglect, malnutrition and other forms of abuse and crisis situations. With an average capacity of 40 to 50 children per home, each one is operated by a selected local partner with the ability to provide supportive services. To date, 10 homes have been completed in Mexico, Ghana, Guatemala, Kenya, Malawi, Peru, Rwanda, Bolivia, Honduras and Wisconsin.

Guenther serves on the advisory board for CG Schmidt and was a prior member of the University of Wisconsin Graaskamp advisory board.

“As I enter the second half of my career I will be focusing more time and emphasis on serving on boards/commissions in both the for-profit and not-for-profit areas,” Guenther said. “This will assist me in both staying on top of the emerging business challenges facing entities and also use my rounded experience to help others navigate those issues.”

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When Randy isn’t working, he devotes his time to family, friends, and fitness. A self-proclaimed fitness devotee, he starts each morning with a 90-120-minute workout so every day starts with a goal achieved. He hasn’t missed a day in years and his philosophy is you can’t have a good life if you don’t have your health.


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