Recognizing 100 CEOs & C-level Executives


Michelle Steinberg

Chief Executive Officer

Sepire LLC

Location: DuPage County

Founded: 2020

Industry: Technology/Printing Member Communications

After selling her previous company, Michelle Steinberg took a year to brainstorm. She came across the book “Woo Wow and Win” that resonated with her. “I flew to New York once a month to speak with the authors to build my next business,” she said. “The authors and I decided to really map out how I was going to build Sepire to be a company where our clients have unimaginable interactions all along their journey, which is why it is such a successful company – we really take care of our clients.”

Sepire is a leading innovator in the secure communications sector, focused on highly compliant print, mail and omni channel. The firm has a mission to always be evolving to meet the needs of their clients, customers, employees and the planet.

“I pride myself in thinking outside the box and encouraging my clients and employees to do so as well,” said Steinberg.

Sepire has achieved over 50 percent compound annual growth each year in operation and is type 2 certified. The firm is PCI compliant, which allows them to do work with those that want the company to manage shopping carts and run credit cards.

In the next five years, Steinberg expects growth at a staggering rate. The company is in the process of building two facilities and new client offerings. “Technology will continue to play larger parts within the industry,” she said. “We continue to put tremendous capital into our equipment and we have cutting-edge technology that we have built to allow our clients to utilize our technology and be more efficient.”

Steinberg said she also will continue to foster the family feel of the business.

“Sixty people have followed me through three companies,” said Steinberg. “We do a lot of work to foster the culture and collaborate together and are very communicative across all parts of our company.”

Preserving the company culture to better serve clients and employees is Steinberg’s top priority. “I create a family dynamic and uphold a value to see people’s size and interests while understanding that there is no one size fits all in the organization,” she said. “I bring my dogs to the office, I bring my employees to my personal residence for the holidays and I treat everyone like I want to be treated.”

As a leader, Steinberg demonstrates her reliance on other’s thoughts. “Watching them light up for contributing is everything,” she said.

For her success in fostering a family-like culture with employees and clients, Steinberg has been named a titan.

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What is your superpower?

Secret Superpower is to bring all types of intelligent and hard workers together and teach them how to treat each other and our clients. Having happy clients and happy employees is the key to a successful company.


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