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Recognizing 100 CEOs & C-level Executives
Jeff Karpel Karpel Solutions & Karpel Foundation

Jeff Karpel

Chief Executive Officer

Karpel Solutions & Karpel Foundation

Location: St. Louis, MO

Founded: 1985

Industry: Software Development

Jeff Karpel began his entrepreneurial journey with a small office and built Karpel Solutions to a $30 million company with 110 employees. The firm was founded in 1985 focused on custom software development for the banking, manufacturing and construction companies in St. Louis. When Karpel did a custom criminal case management system development for the St. Louis Circuit Attorney in 1995, it evolved into a niche with immense growth potential.

The primary focus for Karpel Solutions is software development for the criminal justice system. The firm has created and markets the PROSECUTORbyKarpel case management system used by prosecuting attorneys nationwide, which has grown to be the largest criminal case management software in America.

The system can automate case assignments, assign cases based on workload, monitor charging decisions and feature internal and external dashboards. The software is used by prosecutors in 33 states facilitating the prosecution of over one-third of all felony crimes in America.

According to his staff, Karpel is a true titan. “He has a great entrepreneurial sense and the ability to visualize the need in the marketplace for his products,” they said. “His software is not only a business product, but it also serves the public good by helping to prosecute felony crimes in America.”

The firm has made the Inc. 5000 six times. Karpel also speaks with organizations nationwide about crime and case management. Most recently, he was selected to address a national audience of leading prosecuting attorneys at a summer conference held by the Prosecutors’ Center for Excellence and its National Best Practices Committee.

“Jeff is active in the community and serves or has served on the boards and played an active role with many nonprofit and charitable organizations,” said his staff.

Karpel has focused his efforts on impacting the community with the development of the Karpel Foundation, a nonprofit that began to help judges make better decisions and improve transparency across the justice system. The goal of the foundation is to help the public judge how their local judicial system compares to others and at the same time, cut the time and cost of prosecution.

“We are building on a mission to promote transparency and accountability through data-driven innovation,” said Karpel. “Judges and prosecutors know that all people have to do is click a button and look at how long things take and how long things take in other places; if I can get that done, I will have accomplished something.”

For his many accomplishments in the industry, Karpel has been named a titan.

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