Recognizing 100 CEOs & C-level Executives

Stephen Smith - Thomas Jefferson University and Hospital

Stephen Smith

Chief Advancement Officer & EVP

Thomas Jefferson University and Hospital

Location: Philadelphia, PA

Founded: 1824

Industry: Healthcare and Higher Education

Stephen Smith embarked on a distinguished career in philanthropy at the United States Naval Academy, establishing a solid foundation for his future accomplishments. He held two senior fundraising roles at two renowned universities, playing an instrumental role in a $2 billion campaign. In 2002, Smith joined Thomas Jefferson University and Hospital as the vice president for development and now serves as the chief advancement officer and executive vice president.

Thomas Jefferson University and Hospital is nationally ranked and 42,000 people strong, dedicated to providing the highest-quality, compassionate clinical care for patients while preparing tomorrow’s professional leaders for 21st-century careers. Thomas Jefferson University comprises 10 colleges and three schools while Jefferson Health serves patients at 17 hospitals and more than 160 outpatient and urgent care locations throughout the region.

Under Smith’s leadership, fundraising efforts have increased from an average $35 million per year to over $150 million per year. He was also instrumental in launching Jefferson’s first comprehensive campaign, Reimagine, which raised an impressive $1 billion.

“Smith’s dedication, expertise and unwavering commitment to philanthropy have not only fueled Jefferson’s success but also cemented his reputation as an influential figure in the nonprofit sector,” said his colleagues. “His accomplishments stand as a testament to his exceptional ability to cultivate strong relationships with key stakeholders and drive transformative change through impactful fundraising initiatives.”

With a keen eye for financial management, Smith manages a budget of approximately $20 million while consistently generating philanthropic revenue in excess of $120 million.

As a leader, Smith said he relies on adaptability and authenticity. “In just the last five years, it seems every industry has been through a once-in-a-generation type change, whether that’s pandemic related or AI-fueled or workforce changes or shifts in consumer habits,” said Smith. “Adaptability enables leaders to respond to change effectively, fostering innovation and resilience while authenticity builds trust and strong relationships within teams and with stakeholders.”

Using these attributes, Smith has focused on cultivating a culture of support, empathy and cooperation. “There’s an old saying that ‘we have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak,’ and in my field, it’s easy to get a message out, but we must keep in mind that the most powerful and rewarding thing we can do as professionals is listen,” he said. “What we hear from constituents and associates informs everything we do.”

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What is your superpower?

I’d have to say listening is my super power. There’s an old saying, “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” In my field, it’s easy to get a message out: direct mail, email, web, social networking, events, videos, proposals. But we must keep in mind that the most powerful and rewarding thing we can do as professionals is listen. What we hear from constituents and associates informs everything we do. What they say and how they say it tells us what matters to them and what lights up their lives. Only through listening can we align interest and passion with our mission.


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