Recognizing 100 CEOs & C-level Executives

Cory Kwarta - Swisslog Healthcare

Cory Kwarta

Chief Executive Officer

Swisslog Healthcare

Location: Broomfield

Founded: 1900

Industry: Healthcare

According to Cory Kwarta, a good leader knows when to take a risk. One of the biggest risks he took as a leader and the CEO of Swisslog Healthcare TransLogic was during the COVID-19 pandemic. “During this time, it was common for many businesses to take a step back, reduce staff and try to protect themselves through uncertainty,” said Kwarta. “When the pandemic struck, I saw an opportunity to push forward and try and improve our company.”

As a result, Swisslog Healthcare saw increased sales while the rest of the industry faced a downturn, and the next year, under Kwarta’s leadership, the organization saw its highest-ever order intake and gross order. “Had we not taken the risk to push forward during the pandemic, Swisslog Healthcare would likely not see the success that it sees today.”

Swisslog Healthcare is an operational technology company in the healthcare industry. The values of Swisslog Healthcare are what the company calls the four Cs: commitment, competence, clarity and collaboration.

A Hall of Fame Titan 100, Kwarta said the past year has been one of transition as he moved from the role of president to CEO of TransLogic, a division of Swisslog Healthcare. “This was a proud accomplishment for me because as someone who continuously strives to do better, I was able to expand my skills. During this time, the company was recognized as the Large International Company of the Year by its local Chamber of Commerce.

More promotions were in his future later in the year when Kwarta was named CEO of the entire organization where he now oversees the global operations of the entire organization, including the oversight in strategy and execution of the organization’s medication management division as well as TransLogic.

“As someone who has been in the industry for a while, I understand the importance of investing in the next generation,” said Kwarta. “To do that, it’s important to create a space where people can learn, develop and grow to their full potential.”

As a leader, Kwarta places value on teamwork. “Successful leaders are team players, and these leaders make sacrifices and hard decisions for the greater good of the team, not for personal gain,” he said. “Successful leaders are always willing to do the right thing, even if it doesn’t benefit them.”

According to Kwarta, leaders in the healthcare industry are responsible for creating a collaborative and inclusive environment where everyone is empowered to thrive. “We must step outside of our comfort zones as healthcare leaders, immerse ourselves in new cultures, and embrace the transformative influence of cultural diversity to create a future of healthcare that is global, equitable and patient-centered.”

Did you know?

“We must step outside of our comfort zones as healthcare leaders, immerse ourselves in new cultures, and embrace the transformative influence of cultural diversity to create a future of healthcare that is global, equitable, and patient-centered.”


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