Recognizing 100 CEOs & C-level Executives

Emily Wilcox Epic Broadband Solutions Inc

Emily Wilcox

Chief Executive Officer

Epic Broadband Solutions Inc.

Location: Englewood

Founded: 2001

Industry: Technology

After a brief stint in medical sales, Emily Wilcox began her technological career with Epic Broadband Solutions as an outside sales rep in 2009. It was not long before Wilcox began to assume more and more of a leadership role within the company after catching the attention of c-level Epic officers. As she ascended through the ranks, Wilcox recognized a gap in the market – a need for a broadband solution that not only delivered high-speed internet hardware but also prioritized reliability and customer satisfaction.

Seizing the opportunity, she designed Epic’s own line of fiber optic products before launching the company into the manufacturing of its new line, taking the company from a local reseller/distribution house to having the capability to manufacture its products. This jump in capability was a major differentiator and by 2022, Wilcox purchased Epic Broadband Solutions after overseeing the day-to-day operations for the last 14 years.

Epic Broadband Solutions is a professional provider of communication and high-speed network system solutions to networking, data center and telecom customers. The firm has the vision and the ability to redefine service and product quality which has not previously been possible in the fiber optic networking industry.

“Today, Epic Broadband Solutions stands as a testament to Emily Wilcox’s entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to bridging the digital divide,” said her staff. “As technology continues to evolve, so does Emily’s commitment to shaping a connected world where possibilities are limitless, and communities thrive through seamless connectivity.”

Under Wilcox’s leadership, the firm has increased revenue by 200% from $2 million in 2009 to $6 million in 2022. Wilcox is responsible for establishing the strategic direction of the company and for forming strategic partnerships that drive growth in new and existing markets. “Emily has been a trailblazer in the male-dominated industry of telecommunications and is one of the only female business owners in her field,” said her staff. “The diverse perspective that she brings to her company is one of the reasons she has been so successful.”

Her efforts have led to recognition as one of the Top 50 Women Leaders of Colorado for 2024 by Women We Admire.

Wilcox said she leads with intuition. “Intuition, often referred to as a gut feeling or gut instinct, is a fascinating aspect of human cognition that can sometimes seem mysterious or inexplicable, but it’s the ability to understand or know something instinctively, enhancing what we accomplish in conjunction with conscious reasoning and logical analysis,” she said. “It empowers me daily in my personal and professional life.”

Did you know?

Intuition, often referred to as a “gut feeling” or “gut instinct,” is a fascinating aspect of human cognition that can sometimes seem mysterious or inexplicable. It’s the ability to understand or know something instinctively, enhancing what we accomplish in conjunction with conscious reasoning and logical analysis. It empowers me daily in my personal and professional life.


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