Recognizing 100 CEOs & C-level Executives

Jayne Hladio 2024

Jayne Hladio

EVP & President of Private Wealth

Associated Bank Private Wealth

Location: Milwaukee, WI

Industry: Financial Services - Wealth Management

The experience of being named a Titan 100 the first time has offered impeccable learning opportunities as well as friendships, according to Jayne Hladio. “This is an incredibly valuable family of leaders who are ethical, care deeply about helping others and those who apply their talents, time and energy to truly make this world a better place,” she said. “I have made friends for life and encouraged others in many meaningful interactions.”

These interactions continue to fuel her passion for her work as the president of private wealth at Associated Bank. Hladio recently joined Associated to significantly grow the wealth management business in the Midwest and beyond.

Her experience in the industry includes establishing a registered advisory firm, transforming the technology stack to deliver world class experiences and service and hiring best-in-class talent for sales management leaders, chief investment officers and advisory sales and compliance. These efforts have generated client value and a 1,000 percent increase in opportunity referrals.

“Given we now live in the ‘experienced economy,’ clients now expect hyper personalization, transformation and value beyond market returns,” said Hladio. “As such, we must leverage data insights more effectively, anticipate life stage milestones, connect deeply on what matters most in our clients lives and offer them holistic financial planning and advice.”

This requires a seamless team-based approach to simplifying what can be complex financial scenarios and decisions. “We enrich clients lives so they can focus on what is most meaningful to them,” said Hladio.

At the heart of leadership is an authentic desire to elevate the talents of your people and create an environment where they can thrive, belong and succeed, said Hladio. “This requires humility and fierce resolve to remove barriers for them and make the tough decisions when needed through listening and then acting,” she said. “I derive immense joy and energy from helping individuals and teams discover their purpose and living it in full color through recognition, praise and fun.”

Establishing the vision, mission and strategy is a kaleidoscopic exercise given constant change, according to Hladio. “I thrive in the midst of leading through challenging scenarios by engaging the hearts, minds and gifts of our people and advocating in ways large and small for the success of our colleagues, clients, community and shareholders,” she said.

For her continued commitment to leading with her heart, mind and gifts, Hladio has been named a Titan 100 for the second time.

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What is your secret superpower?

Foresight; The ability to envision the future, lead talent to the next destination and trust my intuition while navigating forward – Also, being mindful of what an incredibly powerful force a healthy culture is and doing everything possible to fortify it!


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