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Recognizing 100 CEOs & C-level Executives
Kate Rogers Bay To Bay Properties

Kate Rogers


Bay to Bay Properties

Location: Safety Harbor, FL

Founded: 2003

Industry: Construction

Youthfulness, often seen as a potential drawback, has been Kate Rogers’ greatest asset. It brought with it a fresh perspective unburdened by preconceived notions when she began her career with Bay to Bay Properties in 2012 at the age of 24.

“I embraced the challenge of working in an industry where experience is traditionally highly valued (some might say over-valued),” said Rogers. “My youth allowed me to approach problems with innovative solutions, unencumbered by the ‘we’ve always done it this way’ mentality, and I saw opportunities where others saw obstacles, and this ability to think outside the box became a defining feature of my professional approach.”

Bay to Bay Properties is a commercial construction general contractor specializing in self-storage, fuel stations, car washes and specialty projects.

“My journey with Bay to Bay has been a testament to perseverance and adaptability. I’ve witnessed both the growth of our company and the remarkable resilience demonstrated by our team – it’s a source of immense pride for me,” said Rogers.

Her journey began as the controller of the company where she established robust accounting practices, migrating from the reliance on outsourcing to building an in-house financial team. Rogers was also instrumental in the recruitment process to expand the firm’s dynamic workforce, ultimately leading to her current role as chief operating officer.

“Scaling a business is not just about expanding operations; it’s about fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement,” said Rogers. Her efforts have resulted in a cohesive work environment and recognition as a 30 under 30 by the Tampa Bay Business Journal.

“Being a woman in the construction industry has presented its own set of challenges, but it has also afforded me the opportunity to bring diversity to the table; in a field where diversity of thought is crucial for success, being a female leader has allowed me to introduce different perspectives and foster an inclusive work environment,” said Rogers. “It is not about proving oneself despite being a woman; it’s about thriving because of it.”

The construction industry is known for its unpredictability, and the company faced challenges ranging from supply chain disruptions to price escalation hurdles during COVID-19, said Rogers. “Navigating through these challenges required resilience and adaptability,” she said. “It was during these testing times that the strength of our team and the efficacy of the systems we had put in place truly shone.”

Presented by:

Hub White

What is your secret superpower?

My secret superpower is to be able to break down complex thoughts/processes/goals/ideas into actionable steps that are achievable, easy to follow, and efficient. If you’ve heard of Simon Sinek’s Why concept, where you are tasked with determining your ‘why’ – mine was determined to be “to simplify the complex so we can all grow and achieve’. My ability to quickly read a situation, connect the abstract dots, and communicate a clear path forward has lead Bay to Bay to through many turbulent situations.


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