Recognizing 100 CEOs & C-level Executives

Jodi Czernejewski 2024

Jodi Czernejewski

Managing Partner & CEO

inFORME healthcare

Location: Milwaukee, WI

Industry: Healthcare

Ten years ago, Jodi Czernejewski, CEO of inFORME healthcare, would have never believed that she would own a multi-state physician practice organization. However, today, she cannot imagine doing anything else. “Every day, I am excited to get up and achieve,” she said.

inFORME healthcare has been a leading multi-state medical practice group that has been specializing in the post-acute care continuum since 2014. The firm was founded to meet the growing demands in the transition from acute care hospitals to post acute inpatient care.

“I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit and have established many healthcare businesses over the last 35 years,” said Czernejewski. “The one common denominator that has always driven me is my passion for clinical excellence.”

As the CEO, Czernejewski said she has never learned to give up on that passion. “When I fall, I get up and keep on going even stronger and more determined than ever before,” she said. “I am a lifelong learner and feel grateful for those who I have learned from and who have learned from me.”

That passion has resulted in a proprietary clinical platform that involves a very organized, systematic care model designed to intersect innovation and results among the entire care team. One of the primary strategies of the company is to hire quality driven medical staff and provide them with a lifestyle change in how medicine is practiced, said Czernejewski.

As a result, inFORME healthcare has doubled its size in the past three years. “The company was built without any external financial support and it was boot-strapped to ensure the model maintained its integrity and had a strong foundation,” said Czernejewski. The firm has been a leading provider of physician services since its inception.

“Having responsibility for the patients in your care is a 365 days per year, 24 hour per day business that requires constant and continuous attention,” said Czernejewski. “It truly is a team effort and every person at every level is a critical part of the equation.”

As a leader, Czernejewski said you must be trusted by your physicians and staff, but you must also be accessible, flexible and make execution. “Change is a daily experience and to succeed you must realize that there will be times when thing’s don’t go as planned,” she said. “But, tomorrow, you can try a new approach and have another opportunity to have your plan exceed your expectations.”

The realization of where she is today is humbling, she said. For her humble approach to making a positive impact on physicians and patients in the healthcare industry, Czernejewski has been named a titan.

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What is your secret superpower?

Some say I am a “doc whisperer” others say I am a good “Cat herder”. I think it all means that I am just good at negotiating and finding the middle ground in the best interest of all.


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